ofrnxmr"" < use http :meltingface
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> Or add your CA cert to trusted certs? `/etc/ssl/certs`
m-relay<ccaw007:matrix.org> Hi everybody
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> Hi doctor nick
m-relay<tbcode:matrix.org> This is perfect! pluged it into chatgpt and gave me the code translation for Kotlin! Thanks a million 🙌
m-relay<detherminal:matrix.org> You're welcome! Consider starring the GitHub repo so everyone can benefit from it 😄
m-relay<tbcode:matrix.org> Yea I'll keep testing the kotlin on my end
sugarpuffHi, over on #monero someone mentioned to me that "Sync data returned a new top block candidate: 3074797 -> 3419079 [Your node is 344282 blocks (1.3 years) behind]" messages can be ignored because there seems to be a fork out there with less PoW but more blocks that's causing spam to appear in the logs. However this got me thinking that if that's true, then the "1.3 years" message is misleading. I don't know how monero comes up
sugarpuffwith this figure, but if it's on a chain with less PoW then the time that's represented on that chain can be safely ignored
sugarpuffit is only safe to tell the "2 minutes per block" time on the chain with the most PoW. The other chain, having less PoW, cannot tell time at all, so the message is misleading
moneromoooIt's an estimate, based off the block time target. A chain with less PoW and an extra 1.3 years' worth of blocks is likely either fake or someone's found a nice way to diddle with the difficulty adjustment algorithm.
moneromoooProbably the former.
moneromoooIf your request is just "remove this message because a fake chain can claim any random time", then feel free to either fix or file a bug on github asking for it.