xmr-pr9130 9136
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Would someone who knows anything about the serialization code be able to take a quick peek and review this PR: monero-project/monero #8940/files. It simply adds a unit test case which confirms a property about the serialization of empty arrays
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: I just think that it was the most straight forward way to code it
m-relay<alex:agoradesk.com> The default wallet behavior should probably be to flush cache changes to storage, just like it is in other wallets. Due to the lack of automatic flushing, if there's a wallet running on a system for some time and the system or wallet crashes then there needs to be a lot of unnecessary resyncing. This puts unneeded strain on both the user and the network.
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> competent devs notice this and use the store rpc command at an interval of their liking (just like they are aware of the unlock_time value)
m-relay<alex:agoradesk.com> Unlike timelocks, which are abundant in crypto, it's not normal for wallets not to flush cache.
ofrnxmr(Rpc calls auto_refresh automatically on intervals. Is there any reason to not (auto) save the wallet during the refresh interval?)