m-relay<plaatina123:matrix.org> Should be the latest version: Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.3-release). Will use the correct room next time! :D
m-relay<plaatina123:matrix.org> I'm at 97% synced at the moment, going to just tough it out.
m-relay<srvd:matrix.org> You should try asking the people who actually use your service, or change your business model and offer something for a price.
m-relay<srvd:matrix.org> I’m in the same game and have no problems paying the bills.
hycthat's off-topic for this channel
m-relay<srvd:matrix.org> True, sorry
vthorI'm somehow puzzled. Python: 'from monero.seed import Seed\n\nseed = Seed('exquisite jailed antics dads idiom bicycle regular idols lunar morsel northern fierce rustled natural mouth gained jargon girth neither verification vipers hornet technical affair vipers')'
vthorNo, still python: 'print(f'{seed.secret_spend_key()}, {seed.secret_view_key()})' will return d38a52e481072c048921e9d5a6fcbf8c54366dfcda8d83e7719e43024b80c50d, 343a63ab0ff6a82b58226bbe6777946dbeb3a09f86fdb49000a398fb07c2910e