selstasomeone submitted a report on monerod eclipse attacks on hackerone, does anyone want to get added to the report to analyze it?
selstamonero-project/monero #9218 seems to fix some of the issues
selstamaybe jeffro256 boog900 sech1 since you were involved in 9218
sech1You can give me access to the report, I'm "sech1" on hackerone
sech1ok, it's a long read. I'll go through it in the evening
m-relay<boog900:monero.social> yeah sure I can take a look, my username is boog900
selstaboog900: sent an invite
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> mine is jeffro256
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> selsta can I add the Hackerone report ID to the #9218 PR for future readers, assuming the report is fully disclosed to the world at some point?