m-relay<darkhappyman:monero.social> thanks !
m-relay<falcon8:matrix.org> hello everyone
m-relay<falcon8:matrix.org> I have a question regarding to private view keys
m-relay<falcon8:matrix.org> What would be complications of a private view key exposed to the public ?
m-relay<falcon8:matrix.org> What part of a transaction will be revealed
m-relay<falcon8:matrix.org> in the current signature standart
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Knowledge of private view key allows someone to identify all received enotes with amounts, change enotes with amounts, and which off-chain addresses belong to that account
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Basically everything besides where the enote is spent
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> However, most of the time they can effectively see spends anyways because the chance that an unrelated transaction sends funds to you AND has your tx out as a decoy is extremely slim , whereas with change enotes its very high
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> but this is a better conversation for Monero