m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> What does `Error starting server: use_private_key_file: unsupported` mean?
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> ```
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> 2024-08-30 02:16:39.244 7f13004897c0 FATAL net contrib/epee/include/net/abstract_tcp_server2.inl:1274 Error starting server: use_private_key_file: unsupported
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> ```
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> Firefox claim `MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT`
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> Firefox: When using `monero-gen-ssl-cert` to make certificates for `monerod` rpc.
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> The `use_private_key_file` error is when using the hosts certificate for RPC.
moneromoooLikely a bad cert, looking at the code.
moneromoooNot sure how firefox fits into that though.
moneromoooBad cert could be cert in wrong format. It expctcs PEM.
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> It's a valid browser certificate, signed by my own CA, with the CA cert imported to Firefox and the host's cert chain.
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> Is there some special openssl parameters needed for monerod to accept this certificate?
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> This what the two certificates look like:
m-relay<trasherdk:monero.social> paste.debian.net/1327922
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Is the ca added to trusted root?
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> On system
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Also normally you need ip address or dns name in alternative name