m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> I've recently tried running monerod on alpine linux, which is a musl based distribution, and the performance are catastrophic to say the least. Initial fast-sync is two times slower than normal and once checkpoints are passed, I estimated it would need 62 hours to process 150000 blocks (95%). Some better C++ developer could answer the question, but would it be easy to make monerod<clipped message>
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> compile with jemalloc on musl targets ? This is something that [ripgrep had to do for musl system](andygrove.io/2020/05/why-musl-extremely-slow)
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> My Alpine builds just segfaulted D:
flandrecan ypu do perf?
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> Mamma Mia!
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> Ok I've increased log-level and my node is spamming messages:
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> ```
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> 2024-10-09 HH:MM:SS.xxx I [IP:PORT OUT] Failed to lock m_sync_lock, going back to download
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> ```
moneromoooThat is normal.
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> Alright
moneromoooIt means a thread is looking "is anything verifying blocks atm ? Yes, so I won't and will download more stuff instead".
m-relay<Sneurlax:matrix.org> spirobel, Czarek Nakamoto is the author of monero_c
vthor_SNeedlewoods: I'm back if you need something.
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> Still looking through your code, my code and the current state and taking notes to get a clear overview first
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> Update on my alpine story. I've managed (with pain and suffering) to compile master branch on Alpine in release mode + no stack_trace + 0xfffc `new-miniupnpc` PR + easylogging patch. It now dynamically link to musl which permit me to override default malloc. It's now like 4x time faster.
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> A shame you cannot override C++ default `std::alocator` that would have simply things a lot.