m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> ohchase @ohchase:envs.net: the "single key" thing is used with dup fixed (which indicates the value is always same fixed size). I believe the single key thing specifically helps with size+perf - the values (with same key) are compacted like an array up to page size boundaries. In contrast "using the key properly" results in a slightly less optimal memory layout. I don't think this<clipped message>
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> is really documented anywhere; LWS copies this design where possible because I assumed hyc knew what he was doing with his own db
m-relay<not_a_money_printer:matrix.org> It is like a complete separate app
Guest7Does anyone know how I can get an invite?
m-relay<rajafan:xmr.se> hello. what is the correct name of the payment acceptance system for a cryptocurrency website
m-relay<rajafan:xmr.se> I registered a terminal for Mogera, and now I need to register a terminal for Bitcoin, and I can’t find how to do it