m-relay<ack-j:matrix.org> Looks like oss-fuzz is failing to build, not sure how long this has been an issue
m-relay<ack-j:matrix.org> introspector.oss-fuzz.com/project-profile?project=monero
m-relay<ack-j:matrix.org> Here is the build log with errors
m-relay<ack-j:matrix.org> oss-fuzz-build-logs.storage.googlea…37b-9f0f-4ed8-8833-06fd0c13d00b.txt
Guest20I need help with my monero project environment.
Guest20My platform is windows, visual studio code and msys2 are freshly installed.
Guest20The github repository is cloned successfully. Now if I look at the source code clangd does not find the references to the symbols that are not in the current folder.
Guest20How can I fix this issue?
sech1oss-fuzz failed because boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/…e/1.84.0/source/boost_1_84_0.tar.gz is not there anymore