selsta.merge+ 9642
selsta.merge+ 9715 9711 9706 9701
plowsofa churn script was posted on reddit, not sure if it's fit for purpose, but noticed it mentions that it deleted p2pstate.bin because there is a "node id" in there that persists between privacynetworks/clearnet , is this still the case? antichainalysis/xmr-churner #1
selstaplowsof: the citation predates tor / i2p integration into monero, I don't think this is relevant for `--tx-proxy`
selstasince we will put out a release soon it would be nice if some node operators could test the current release-v0.18 branch on their nodes
tankf33derselsta: i have a node, ping me. i run upstream via tor, ok
plowsofthat was the ping
plowsofand thank you tankf33der :)
tankf33derplowsof: How can I help you with this? What can I do to assist?
plowsofthis is the branch we can compile github.com/monero-project/monero/tree/release-v0.18
tankf33derok, and ?
plowsofafter compiling, simply run your node (monerod) as usual. some easy things to test, does it gain + maintain peers.. can it create / broadcast transactions. are there any errors in the log files..
tankf33derok. next.
tankf33derok. next?
tankf33derwhen switch to tor ?
plowsofshall we take this to our support room? one of our agents can assist with any step by step questions #monero-support
ofrnxmrJan 30 v3 uploads wont work anymore
ofrnxmr"Starting January 30th, 2025, GitHub Actions customers will no longer be able to use v3 of actions/upload-artifact or actions/download-artifact. Customers should update workflows to begin using v4 of the artifact actions as soon as possible. While v4 of the artifact actions improves upload and download speeds by up to 98% and includes several new
ofrnxmrfeatures, there are key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows. Please see the documentation in the project repositories for guidance on how to migrate your workflows."
ofrnxmrList of breaking changes github.com/actions/upload-artifact?…tab=readme-ov-file#breaking-changes
ofrnxmrMaybe the warning is just a notice? Looks like the workflow is already on v4
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> last time I switched from v3 to v4 while testing forgejo actions, it didn't worked, had super weird bug with zero logs, no reported issue. I hope it works nowadays
m-relay<sagewilder:unredacted.org> What is the estimated release date for the new release?