selstaxmr-ack[m]: no idea why, the list should be unrelated
xmr-ack[m]selsta: Found the reddit post reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/kdqj5i…without_ban_list/gfy1x01/?context=3
xmr-ack[m]Yea I'm not sure, I always have issues when I dont set that runtime flag. I swear its not a placebo XD
selstayea it's likely not related lol
xmr-pr3483 3560 3688 3846 3883 3902 3903 3906
selsta.merge+ 3905
selsta.merge+ 3908
jeffro256[m]xmr-ack I went from about 22 GB RAM usage to 7GB RAM when using a banlist
xmr-ack[m]jeffro256: Why was that?
jeffro256[m]Idk I guess it blocked a lot of spamming connections
jeffro256[m]There was that memory attack last year and maybe they're still at it
xmr-ack[m]jeffro256: Interesting, are you using the same banlist that I posted?