BigmenPixel[m]I tried to start p2pool in the monero-gui flatpak, but get this error:... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…d09615391ef468bc4b6b2ae53eebeeffd34)
BigmenPixel[m]Do need to change something on the side of Monero?
selstadoes p2pool have write permission?
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: Permission on /app/bin/stats?
selstai'm not sure myself, but p2pool creates a bunch of files
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: Maybe it wants to create files in /app/bin (where it exists), but nothing has write-permission there.
selstayes it creates it in the same folder as the app
selstaas the binary
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: Can I change the directory for it?
BigmenPixel[m]It seems that there are no options for this. Do I need to write issue in p2pool?
sech1there's `--data-api path/to/stats/folder` option for this
BigmenPixel[m]<sech1> "there's `--data-api path/to/..." <- Oops, I did not notice. It works now.
BigmenPixel[m]The status is also "Starting P2Pool", but the lines are already running.
BigmenPixel[m]* the lines (in terminal) are already
selsta.merge+ 3972
selstawaiting for tests to finish and then we can tag gui too
selstaluigi1112: please also merge remaining gui prs and then tag