sech1BigmenPixel[m] I've added "WITH_LTO" cmake parameter to p2pool, you can try "cmake .. -DWITH_LTO=OFF" and it should work
BigmenPixel[m]<sech1> "BigmenPixel I've added "WITH_LTO..." <- It doesn't work. :(
BigmenPixel[m]So should I open an issue?
sech1Try again with the latest commit
sech1better delete the whole p2pool folder and git clone again
BigmenPixel[m]sech1: Yes, I did it.
sech1I just submitted a possible fix
sech1like 1 minute ago
BigmenPixel[m]sech1: Ah
BigmenPixel[m]sech1: It works!
BigmenPixel[m]BTW, should I apply the patch and push the update or wait for a new release? sech1:
sech1just apply the patch, source code didn't change since v3.0 - only makefiles and compiler options changed