traskkhi, how to copy local files on windows dockerfile without downloading from github
traskki did some resolution changes that fit on my laptop but if i exec dockerfile as is changes are removed from
traskk"RUN git clone -b v0.18.2.0 --depth 1 github.com/monero-project/monero"
traskki want copy monero folder on host to guest and after compile
traskkgoogling is not very specific for this case
traskkhi again
traskkhow to copy local monero folder and avoid step
traskk"RUN git clone -b v0.18.2.0 --depth 1 github.com/monero-project/monero"
moneromoooYou want to use your own local copy instead ?
moneromoooThere's a copy command, and I think you can do, eg:
moneromoooCOPY /home/traskk/src/monero /monero
moneromoooFormer being on your host, latter in the container.
traskkstrange COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat /filepath: file does not exist
traskkwhen i do pwd filepath file exist
traskkif i do pwd monero/contrib/depends folder exist
plowsof11And cd ..
ofrnxmr[m]RUN cp monero/contrib/depends /
plowsof11Ignore me, ive never used the docker build hm
ofrnxmr[m]Moo said to use..
ofrnxmr[m]COPY monero/contrib/depends /
ofrnxmr[m]cp would be copying to and from the docker container. COPY, I assume, copies from host > docker
» ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (20KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…LrGezGuUrNxAjP/8ibh8rp4mnn21d4n.jpg>
ofrnxmr[m]nioc. I wont make that mistake again. Apologies.