charutoselsta: i ended up having to update manually, i saw no notification. was on v0.18.1.2, maybe that's why.
selstacharuto: v0.18.1.2 should not matter
selstado you use a VPN?
charutoyes i do.
selstadig -t TXT updates.moneropulse.org
selstadoes this print the hashes of the different versions?
charutoit does.
selstacan you start the old version from command line and then click on cancel when it asks for your password? and then post the log output?
selstaI'm curious if it says "2023-04-19 11:23:49.531 I Version of monero-gui for mac-x64 is available: downloads.getmonero.org/gui/monero-gui-mac-x64-v0.18.2.2.dmg, SHA256 hash 0b676d21b8133830b8446744382ae7c8b51d0e228713184d70100721504bdd4c"
selstayou can download the old version here: downloads.getmonero.org/gui/monero-gui-linux-x64-v0.18.1.2.tar.bz2
charutoyeah, give me a while and i'll try that
charutoinvalid dnssec txt record yadda yadda servfail no ds for ds org. while building chain of trust
charutowant me to post the full message or is that enough?
selstadoes it show up when you start with `DNS_PUBLIC="tcp://"` env var?
plowsof11trying also
charutoselsta: would you prefer if i simply used as a custom dns server on my vpn configuration?
selstait shouldn't matter
selstayou can try either
charutolet me try disabling dns content blockers first.
selstashouldn't be related to content blocker
selstaI have the same issue when I use Hetzner default DNS.
plowsof11i see the update prompt / message in terminal (ubuntu 22.04)
charutoneither worked.
charutocan you explain me how to set the envvar, been a while.
charutoenvvars are "forgot" upon reboot, correct? i won't have to manually revert it, or will i?
selstaDNS_PUBLIC="tcp://" ./monero-wallet-gui
selstaIt should show `Using public DNS server(s): (TCP)` in the logs when it's set correctly
charuto"no two valid dns txt records were received"
moneromoooThat often means your ISP (or some other MITM) is stripping DNSSEC signatures.
moneromoooThere's a program called... monero-utils-check-dns IIRC or similar name, will go through monero records and tell you what's wrong.
charutothank you, i'll look into it.