m-relay<bludee25:matrix.org> I was hoping to get some assistance with the Monero GUI mining?
selstajust ask
m-relay<bludee25:matrix.org> I the Wallet running as Admin in Windows 11, I have everything downloaded and connected. Once I click on Start Mining, it says Mining Temporary suspending then it starts mining and then craps out
selstawhat happens exactly?
m-relay<bludee25:matrix.org> Also when it is mining it is about 1/2 the speed of XMRig?
selstaif you are serious about mining use xmrig, it's specifically optimized for it
selstaspeed difference shouldn't be that large but it's unclear from your description what the issue is
m-relay<bludee25:matrix.org> Also yes I am using all 12 threads same as XMRig
selstaugh matrix.org again
selstawhy am i even bothering lol
nioCatselsta: hopefully Data Hoarder will save us :)
selstanioCat: is he going to setup a proper bridge?
nioCatselsta: in -community earlier today he responded to ruck's suggestion that he start a CCS to do so
selstathough not sure how such a bridge would even work
nioCatactually sort-of working on a double-puppeting bridge that is not the can of worms that github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc is
nioCatand has proper behavior, people and communities on #libera-matrix were also curious about it
nioCatnot under a CCS sadly, energy was just enough to start the project directly
nioCatwhen we had a proper bridge it worked but Libera had some issues with it
selstai think appservice-irc is what was used previously before matrix took it down
nioCatI forget the details now
selstaor libera took it down because it was so buggy
nioCatbridge seems to work on OFTC
nioCatmaybe something with room size
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Think it was spam issue?
nioCatagain I forget what the issue was/is