m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> When I create advance mode instead of simple mode in the wallet the simple mode will be override and forgotten ? I will not have an access to it any more right?
plowsofninoni you can always return to simple mode
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I see. ... but should I remember a password for this wallet or it is erased ?
plowsofthe password will be unaffected by changing wallet mode
plowsofwhy do you want to enable advanced mode? you wish to sync your own node?
plowsofits definitely better than simple mode (which uses a random node). advanced mode lets you choose from starting to sync your own node before you are able to send/receive monero, or, (like simple mode) pick your own remote node you want to use
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I have chosen the simple mode but then by more research I found out it is not so safe like advance mode. Our IP address can be exposed and maybe other things also . My priority is to be as safe as possible then I think the best then it is to start from scratch and create advance mode .
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Do you know how much space on a disc of my computer I need for that node ?
plowsoffull node is 220~ GB pruned is 80~GB
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> And what is the difference ?
plowsofsome info here getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/pruning.html
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Thanks a lot 🙂 .
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> when trying to build with `make debug` I get this error "/monero-gui/monero/contrib/epee/include/span.h:141:24: error: ´is_standard_layout_v` is not a member of `std`..."
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> Is that expected? make release works fine
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> Or what would be even more helpful, how do you build the GUI with debug flags and custom monero version (afaiu there is `make devmode`, for non-release monero version, but not sure how to combine that with debug)
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> so `make debug` already sets DEV_MODE=ON which is nice, I figured the types that produce the error were introduced here monero-project/monero ed955bf#diff-f0e38f4b6d155e680cfe9c17b2a474adc0c586e83b7166c1f719ae0c6bf0af96 (I assume version mismatch) so I just created a new branch from release and changed CMakelists.txt to no<clipped message>
m-relay<sneedlewoods:monero.social> t automatically checkout origin/master, but instead to the new branch and it seems to work