m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> fibre to the seed node ?
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…matrix.org/KDIXnVtbIYfIZTNvGPAmRkSl
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> image.png
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> This is my internet connection :
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I have a cable internet in the city so it should be faster but probably as I have VPN and malware protection on it is much slower .
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Is pruning require internet connection ?
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I have noticed today after accident power failure that the synchronization was ongoing after computer restart even so there was no internet connection. So I assume that after download of 90GB of block chain there is a process ongoing which does not require internet connection . Am I right ?
moneromoooYes, but the buffer isn't that large by default. 100 MB or so. You can change it via command line.
moneromoooOf course you must have the RAM, or swap.
moneromoooThe pre-downloaded block data isn't stored in the DB itself, though it could be made so.
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> image.png
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> <moneromooo> Yes, but the buffer isn't that large by default. 100 MB or so. You can change it via command line.
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I do not know how to do that so I will keep internet connected . .... but I do not really know if there is any difference with synchronizing speed off or on line . It looks like in both cases it is very slow .It is still that much to go :
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…matrix.org/PcTVnHTWqanouHNwZUpGfOEm
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> if monerod were maxing out your Internet the entire time (which it won't) sync would still take over 30+ hours on this connection
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> for some perspective
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> when you run a pruned node it still downloads everything before throwing it away
moneromooo(unless you tell it not to)
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> lmao somebody should have mentioned that flag to ninoni 2 days ago
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> try adding `--sync-pruned-blocks` flag as well
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> I forgot that was added