m-relay<lonia3:matrix.org> Hello, i'm trying to use the CLI and the GUI at the same time. I usually just use GUI and it automatically launches the daemon in the background. When trying to use the CLI it cannot find the daemon (even with the GUI open). How can I achieve this?
m-relay<lonia3:matrix.org> NVM i was being stupid
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I use Linux .... and I have Monero Gui Wallet . The merchant web page I have been trying is : silent.link
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Finally the blockchain has been pruned 🙂 . It takes 91GB .
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> ... when the Monero Wallet is set up I have a question now : I need to make a transaction in Bitcoin .A merchant accepts Bitcoin only. What would be the best way to pay with Bitcoin without KYC ? Can I do that through Monero Gui wallet or I need to have different wallet for different Crypto transactions ?
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Trocador
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> Specifically, go to trocador.app and make sure you select "payment" mode so you can send an exact amount of BTC directly to the wallet you need to pay
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…matrix.org/APYwocdrAgbStlsoKkYRAwQP
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Thank you for explaining it in details . I am on this web page and try to find out how to use it .
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> Let me please ask you about it . Is this : Insert a Bitcoin address ( network: Mainnet) a place to paste a merchant address or it is my wallet address ? :
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> You can do either. I typically put the merchant's address.
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> If you put your own address first, you should change it to Standard mode and add a little extra so you can pay the BTC fees from sending from your own wallet
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> I meant swap the XMR for Bitcoin. Not sure if Troc does KYC with the buy / USD option but it won't exactly be private either
m-relay<ninoni:matrix.org> I do not have yet Monero or any other crypto unfortunately . This is my first approach to get Crypto and I am afraid I do not have any other option then a bank transfer.
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> I see I see
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> Buying without KYC is for sure a challenge. I would check kycnot.me/?t=exchange&q=&fiat=on for the best options
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> Maybe robosats or Haveno, Bisq needs you to already have BTC for a deposit
m-relay<monero.arbo:matrix.org> There are also places that let you buy with credit/debit card like you saw on trocador but fees are steep
an hour ago