hycI found why my macbook always has so many bad hashes when mining - the OS has aggressive energy saving policy. it periodically put my wifi interface to sleep.
hycwhenever that happened, it would cause a delay in submitting a share, and the share would be invalid by the time the interface woke up again
hycI just got a USB hub with gbit ethernet, plugged that in. no more of those errors
hycbut macos tries to put the usb to sleep too, need to keep an active terminal session running to prevent that.
hycturning off the "go to sleep when display goes to sleep" option in battery control panel doesn't prevent it
hycdunno where else to tweak energy saving settings
DataHoarderUnscheduled energy savings on wifi network?
DataHoarderUAPSD afaik or similar
DataHoarderif enabled/disabled it changes how wake up is handled by connecting clients
DataHoarderNeeds to be changed on access points