kicosech1, for randomX?
kicodamn :\
kicois it Jihan?
sech1Nothing is known except for viperatech is a known company that sells Bitmain ASICs
sech1ViperaTech: founded in 2015, 51-100 employees, headquarters in Montréal
sech1no technical specs yet
sech1no hashrate, no power usage
kicobut connected to Bitmain then
kicoprolly the usual suspects :P
kicohmm at least we'll have moar HR iGuess ...
gingeropolouswell, "asics" have come out for monero that were just xeons bundled together or whatever.
gingeropolousi can't find that product page though.
hycxeons bundled and sold as an asic? cute
hycryzens would have been more appropriate
m-relay<karano:poddery.com> hello
sech1gingeropolous found it in old logs: paste.debian.net/hidden/456ae0ed
hycwell they obviously didn't last long
m-relay<hbs:matrix.org> 84kg! Huge beast