m-relay<nevocoin:matrix.org> sech1, Network hashrate is now about 13 MH/s. What nethash is required to be added to the XMRIG?
plowsofcan you merge mine with monero?
moneromooooIn general ? Yes. Townforge can now (testnet TF, mainnet monero). AFAIK Tari will also do.
moneromooooMaybe once they launch mainnet, other coins will start merge mining too... One can hope...
moneromooooMonero has helper functions already to try to make it easier for monero forks to merge mine.
moneromooooOr forking TF instead I guess. The game is optional after all.
moneromooooIn theory, any coin could merge mine with monero, even a Bitcoin fork. And Tari's a fresh codebase AFAIK.
moneromooooSo there's really no reason not to ^_^
plowsofthanks for the info!
moneromooooAlso, sech1 is fixing merge mining in p2pool, so you will be able to merge mine any number of chains with p2pool after next monero fork (hopefully).
moneromooooAnd I mean several chains at once. Like TF + tari + whatever else might pop up later.
plowsofit almost sounds too good to be true. being able to hash on all these chains at once is a big financial incentive for miners also. monero gets more hashes in in the end
moneromooooWell, it does require the miner to maintain a running copy of all the mined chains. But the verifiers do not need to.
m-relay<polar9669:matrix.org> Just discounts xmr price, look at ltc/doge
paulio_ukI'm a big fan of XMR remaining just XMR - but obviously I'm just one vote out of millions of votes :P Although p2pool - I'd like to see that expanded as much as possible
moneromooooMonero remains monero. It just has an extra hash in the coinbase tx extra field. Which verifiers don't have to care about.
moneromooooWait. Do they or don't they have to care about it... I forget... I don't think they do...
moneromooooDon't have to. It's just a hash, so they can't check anything about it anyway.