» paulio_uk sighs
paulio_ukbeen trying to work out why my Pi is running so slowly, debian 64bit running on a damn Pi1b - picked the wrong pi out of the box :D
moneromooooYeah, always check for *3*.14159. 4.14159 will usually not be optimal. 5.14159 is right out.
paulio_ukyeah might treat myself to a 5 if I can source one easily enough
paulio_ukmeh preorders only by the looks of it
paulio_ukjust needed a little usb powered device to run motion on - got some pesky critters in my loft space and I'm trying to work out if they're mice, rats or maybe a bird
paulio_ukits a shame I haven't build a decent case for the BeagleAHead yet... looks like its getting the honours of surveillance of the loft space