hyc... my solar PV system is kinda clever, there's an excess energy diverter. when the panels are producing power and the battery is full, it powers my electric water heater first, before sending excess power back to the grid.
hycwhen the water heater reaches its set max temp, then it diverts back to the grid
hycwas thinking it'd be neat to send the excess power to a mining computer instead, and have it use a water cooling loop fed into the water heater tank
hycbut the excess power is a variable feed. would also want a way to spin up or down more/less CPUs as the power level changes
hycthe miners could be simple boxes with read-only flash filesystems
hyc(filesystems mounted read-only during normal operation)
hycanother possibility would be just to mount a bunch of little ARM boxes physically attached to the water tank, which is all copper
hycso, need a sequencer which wakes them up or puts them to sleep as power levels change