selstacrypto_grampy[m]: no, they wouldn't be compatible
crypto_grampy[m]<selsta> "crypto_grampy: no, they wouldn't..." <- great, well then hardware wallet users can learn extra stuff. the vast majority smooth brain users get the 14 word.
aberdeenik[m]Hi wanted to join monero matrix server. I am a principal data scientist mostly code in python. And deeply invested in monero on all fronts. I want it to be mass adopted like cash.
aberdeenik[m]I have 10 years experience in AI and data science. However on full time job hence may only be able to contribute to stuff which interests me.
gingeropolouswelcome aberdeenik[m] !
sethsimmonsWelcome 🙂 also suggest you join #monero-research-lounge:monero.social as it's a more informal space for discussion around research related topics.
aberdeenik[m]sethsimmons: Yes have posted there too
aberdeenik[m]As per ruckniums instructions
Rucknium[m]aberdeenik: #monero-research-lounge:monero.social is different from #monero-recruitment:monero.social . I know, we have so many channels! ;)
gingeropolouswoof what a delay