Rucknium[m]There will be a meeting in this room in 24 hours:
tevadorNew key hierarchy for Jamtis: i.ibb.co/9trsQTD/key-hierarchy.png
tevadorThis removes the need to have a special wallet type for merchants. All addresses are unlinkable by default, but can be optionally made linkable by attaching a certificate to the address.
UkoeHBtevador: are you going to update the jamtis doc? Btw if 'generate-address key' is supposed to generate all the addresses for one account, I recommend just calling it an 'account key'.
wernervasquez[m]Has there been any serious work to see if Monero could be adapted to use Ristretto? Or any analysis of benefits or risks of such a migration?
UkoeHBno analysis has been done afaik
crypto_grampy[m]<wernervasquez[m]> "Has there been any serious..." <- Rucknium: maybe add this to the list?
Rucknium[m]crypto_grampy: Sure. Should this be listed as one of the links?