UkoeHBgreat thanks :)
wernervasquez[m]tevador: I recommend mentioning the base32 encoding chosen is also known as z-base-32.
tevadorit's actually slightly modified, I switched z for 2
wernervasquez[m]Interesting. What is the rationale? Would your default parser swap out look a likes with the proper letter?
tevadorso we can have xmr2 prefix if the address scheme is ever updated
UkoeHBAt next meeting I think we should revisit tevador's idea to record account indices in the tx, to improve robustness of output recovery: libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20211230
UkoeHBIt sounds like ZCash's orchard and spark might be doing this.
UkoeHBsomething like that* anyway
UkoeHBspecific link: libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20211230#c61148