Ingesethforprivacy: I think uou will find that a lot of Monero folks would happily move from ring sigs to zk-snarks if a)no trusted setup, b)technologically viable c)proven soundness - but except for POTENTIALLY halo2/orchard it has been meager pickings
b1tj3di[m]<Inge> "Seth For Privacy: I think uou..." <- This was always something the early monero community discussed. Upgrading to the best tech available should always be on the table. The question is how to and when is the new tech proven so the benefits outweigh the migration risks of a known working tech.
Ingehmm Surae gone from Twitter?
w[m]<Inge> "hmm Surae gone from Twitter?" <- (Wrong room)
sethforprivacy<Inge> "Seth For Privacy: I think uou..." <- Yeah I think it wouldn't be too contentious a ways down the road
hycwe've talked at length in the past about adopting zk-starks if they ever get optimized enough to be practical.
hyctheir advantage being, no trusted setup. if zk-snarks can be trustless it's worth thinking about, but all of this is premature