rbrunner"if you talk here ooo123ooo1234567 your social credits will += to 100" Dear plowsof, I want to check my balance :)
rbrunnerNo, seriously, +1 for me to continue communication with ooo: It's not easy, it had a very rough start, but I still think it's worth it
rbrunnerUps, sorry, wrong channel - of course
rbrunnerBut well, info about where I personally stand may do no harm even here ...
dangerousfreedomHello guys, I have just sent my second report (repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/298).
dangerousfreedomI believe I have built all the building blocks to explain and verify (using Python) the inflation issue. I will be working on optimizing these codes, benchmark them with the C++ ones and improve the website and explanations for the next months. Thank you very much so far for the support! Please leave me a comment if you think that something could be improved, fixed or in case that something is wrong. I will review the
dangerousfreedomwork I have done so far and hopefully publish a polished version of the website by the end of the month.
nioclink in the report to www.moneroinflation.com goes here >> repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/tree/master
nioc"www.moneroinflation.com" did not exist on "master"
UkoeHBdangerousfreedom: awesome milestone! great work :)
dangerousfreedom<nioc> "link in the report to www...." <- Ok. Should I create a new file there to just link the reports? The CCS proposal topic is not enough?
dangerousfreedom<UkoeHB> "dangerousfreedom: awesome..." <- Thanks :)
niocI might well be confused about what I expected to find