vtnerdif the result gets forwarded to another function frequently that uses `const &`, then its lots of wasted copying (the structures are a little fat, particular the last two)
vtnerdmeh, I guess its pretty easy to test const& perf difference
UkoeHBvtnerd: the most expensive is here github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/0c56c…3/src/seraphis/sp_multiexp.cpp#L214 where you copy a bunch of the fat structures every time you compute a multiexp (during tx verification). I assumed the copies are elided, so equivalent to `const &`.
vtnerdyeah in this situation it should be equivalent
vtnerdwhy the `std::list` there (instead of vector)?
vtnerdgithub searching seems to be crappy in user repos, as in its not working at all for me
vtnerdah forked repos cant be searched
vtnerdmeh this should be to -dev actually, sorry
r4v3r23[m]<UkoeHB> "new ccs: repo.getmonero..." <- nice. how close is seraphis poc to being completed and ready for hand off?
UkoeHBr4v3r23[m]: not sure, maybe a 1-2 months. I thought it would be done last month but apparently I suck at estimating
UkoeHBThere aren’t any big tasks aside from what’s listed in the ccs