UkoeHBok when compiling with native arm64 on my mac m1, the speedup is 68% (does supercop have assembly optimized for arm64?)
vtnerdthe supercop repo does not have ed25519 speedups for arm64
vtnerdneither our version nor the official upstream tarball
tevadorUkoeHB Rucknium[m]: how is the DSA going to work with RingCT outputs after Seraphis? the gamma can't be placed at the chain tip anymore because there will be no new RingCT outputs
Rucknium[m]That's another exciting open research question!
Rucknium[m]AFAIK, there is no proposed approach yet
tevadorit's definitely a blocker for the Seraphis rollout
UkoeHBI don't know, it's not an area I have focused on. For unit tests I am just using a flat distribution for everything