anonymousmonerocHey, I have come up with a new interesting idea for Monero, Note: I have not refined it or anything, only thought of it today, but I think it has some potential... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…6a8706093d88ec7a09b376ee2c6cfddf1ac>)
» anonymousmoneroc uploaded an image: (27KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…/ryTHcotTrtzzmGNYpyBzEggA/image.png>
xmrack[m]anonymousmonerocontributor: Is this similar to p2pool?
anonymousmonerocNo, this isnt meant to be a sidechain, The side blocks in this are meant to basically be exactly like regular blocks, but with the addition of being able to add them on the side of a regular block in the future
anonymousmonerocSo you would be able to write new blocks to the chain that aren't on the chain currently as long as they are verifiable legitimate, and you would be able to add these onto the newest block
anonymousmonerocThe only problem I see is that the same output could be spent on both the original blocks, and the side blocks, but maybe there is a way around that, not sure
anonymousmonerocsince a block, and a side block could have the same output spent twice to two different wallets
anonymousmonerocDiscard everything Ive said now that I think about it this idea is terrible