xmrack[m]This article and paper is gaining traction online. Should we put out a blog post letting people know why it doesn’t affect Monero.
Alex|LocalMoneroxmrack[m]: Sure, but isn't using bad nonces being insecure for ECDSA a widely-known thing?
kayabanerve[m]I don't believe we use the NIST submission code. Our library for keccak appears to be a third-round implementation, yet not the vulnerable submission. Instead, it appears to be a human readable alternative implementation (tiny_sha3).
kayabanerve[m]It also requires a ~4 GB message to trigger, which I'm unsure is reachable in Monero.
kayabanerve[m]So distinct impl, even if we used the buggy impl, we'd probably survive yet should do a release ASAP? But AFAICT, this doesn't affect us, so we don't need to do anything.
xmrack[m]From what I’ve heard these attacks have been known for decades. But this one is novel
Alex|LocalMoneroThat's true. Basically as soon as you learn about ECDSA you get told that the nonce must be from a CSRNG
xmrack[m]*not a cryptographer
Alex|LocalMoneroSo if someone uses Math.random() when they're writing their custom Bitcoin wallet I'm not sure how that's such a big news story.
Alex|LocalMoneroBut the press is going to love it.
Alex|LocalMoneroAnd Monero is also not safe from someone using insecure practices when writing wallet software, so on a very abstract level this issue affects Monero as well.
UkoeHBkayabanerve[m]: the abstract says they have a test for detecting it