xmrack[m]On Sustainable Ring-based Anonymous Systems
xmrack[m]“the algorithm proposed in this section can detect surely-used accounts regardless of how the rings are sampled. In what follows we call this algorithm a garbage collector.”
xmrack[m]I’m getting a little lost in the math of this paper. My understanding so far is that the authors identified the TXO model of monero as “unsustainable” and propose a garbage collector to identify “surely used accounts”. The authors go on to suggest that this wont impact anonymity “partitioning samplers have been shown [Ron+21] to achieve near-optimal anonymity”.
» xmrack[m] uploaded an image: (135KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…aMkfTkCTBxCSzZQOyn/ima_dade7a4.jpeg>