xmrack[m]Meeting today?
rbrunnerWondering the same :) Last week UkoeHB said for a meeting somebody ready to manage it would have to be found.
rbrunnerAnd people not on holidays anyway of course
xmrack[m]I have a small update. Collected data from 11 and 12 output transactions on-chain over the last 4 months trying to see if there was an obvious fingerprint of users with monerujo pocket change. Neither myself nor rucknium could identify anything obvious at first glance.
rbrunnerAlready 4 months that this is in the hand of users? Time flies. No obvious fingerprint sounds like good news, right?
xmrack[m]Pocketchange came out May 5 IIRC. I collected extra data to compare before/after its existence
rbrunnerAh, ok
» xmrack[m] posted a file: (205KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…jRvSJrSEhlCOeXdB/pocketchange11.csv>
» xmrack[m] posted a file: (102KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…fUOsHTgeNHvzIPyd/pocketchange12.csv>
xmrack[m]Everyone, feel free to take a look for yourself and see if we missed something
xmrack[m]Here is my code if anyone wants to sanity check
rbrunnerWondering who was doing 12-out txs before Pocket Change, and why ...
rbrunnerPocket changing "by hand" perhaps
xmrack[m]I also noticed that if you turn off pocket change all of your outputs will be combined back together which is an obvious true spend
xmrack[m]yea 12 is a weird number
rbrunnerI recently saw an estimate somewhere that Monero currently may have around a million users, and with so many you probably get almost everything sooner or later
xmrack[m]I take it back
» xmrack[m] uploaded an image: (21KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…/oksHZttIAqoKfEyiQNKotrSE/image.png>
xmrack[m]Clear indication of when pocketchange was released
xmrack[m]y-axis is the number of 12 output transactions within a block
» xmrack[m] posted a file: (857KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…lj/updated%20-%20pocketchange12.csv>
xmrack[m]The original spreadsheet was difficult to view the data. Here is an updated copy that should make it a lot easier
xmrack[m]This block had 13 transactions with 12 outputs