m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> I proposed a subtle change to the decoy selection code which you can view here: monero-project/monero #9023. This change was inspired by observations of the decoy selection code made by myself and Rucknium . The general idea is to minimize statistical dependence of decoy picks within rings to the absolute minimum considering that we must pick unique outputs <clipped messag
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> according to consensus rules
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> I'd appreciate feedback
narodnik"Archiving historic nullifiers with mutator sets"
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> any follow up questions/issues for CypherStack regarding the new scope for the bp++ peer review? : repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/c…roposals/-/merge_requests/413/diffs