m-relay<dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> Hey guys, I'm trying to understand monero's scalability and I'm looking for resources explaining clearly and detailed how Monero scales. What are the best resources you know (other than looking at the source code)? For example I want to answer myself the questions 1) What will be the blockchain size if txs scale linearly from X to Y txs/block in Z blocks. 2) What if the growth is <clipped me
m-relay<dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> exponential? 3) How the blocksize graph looks like in those scenarios? If I dont find illustrative resources explaining that then I will try to create some.
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> Have you looked at this? github.com/spackle-xmr/Dynamic_Bloc…ain/Dynamic_Blocksize_econ_draft.py
m-relay<ack-j:matrix.org> youtu.be/btauHXDIM8M
m-relay<dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> This is what I was looking for. Thank you!
m-relay<dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> Thank you xmrack
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> dangerousfreedom: those are by spackle_xmr: and i believe there may be a few posts in this room as well
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> (from spackle)
m-relay<dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> Thank you ofrnxmr
m-relay<spackle_xmr:matrix.org> If I can be of assistance just let me know. I believe that simulation code covers all the questions mentioned, though it does have a few rough edges.