m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> Correct
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> Proposal: we target the latest rust version for the contest
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> Considering there is such a large perf gain (~20%) for using the latest Rust, I think it's a given we'll update to it as soon as we're able to (kayabaNerve/fcmp-plus-plus #16)
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> Ubuntu 20.04 EOL is Apr 2025. By tobtoht 's proposed rule of EOL+1, that means we'd have a green light to drop support for it Apr 2026
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> The worst case with using the latest rust for the contest: we can't easily backport the winning code to an older rust version, and we just ship it later when we're ready to drop support for platforms dependent on rust 1.69
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> That would imply the winning code utilized the latest features in a way that maximized their code's perf (sorry to @sech1), which would maximize what we get out of the contest in the long run
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> jberman: We still need to support 1.69. That means supporting compiling under 1.69, but compiling with 1.84.
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> We don't need 1.84 features. Just 1.84 codegen for perf.
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> 1.69 features to support 1.69 features. 1.84 compilation for performant 1.84 codegen.
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> Like, I hear you, we only need support for over a year. That's still over a year.
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> This is the worst case
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> And even that worst case seems unlikely (that we wouldn't be able to easily just rewrite the code to compile on 1.69 if needed)
m-relay<tobtoht:monero.social> For Monero release builds, we will use roughly the latest version of Rust and so will benefit from codegen improvements. Code should compile under 1.69 as to not break development builds on supported platforms and release builds on downstream projects (including monero-gui).
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> Ok
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> That worst case accepts the winning code being locked away for over a year.
m-relay<jberman:monero.social> Not going to keep debating. Fine with the outcome