MoneroManiacHow can I contribute to the website?
moneromoooGet the git repo, find out what source files correspond to what you want to change, make the change, commit with a suitable message, make a pull request for your changes.
moneromoooIf your changes are large, you're best off discussing it first here to ensure the change is wanted.
MoneroManiacI have git installed now how do I clone the repo?
moneromooogit clone github.com/monero-project/monero-site
MoneroManiacThanks! Downloading now.
MoneroManiacBefore I commit would I have to create a new branch?
MoneroManiacOk. Thanks for all the help!
QuickBASICMake sure you read the README for instructions on how to add all the proper things for translation and front matter, etc. It's all laid out pretty clearly.