monerooo[m]The Hyperlink "Arbeitsgruppen" in the footer is linked wrong (404)
ErCiccione> <@moner.ooo:monero.social> getmonero.org/de/index.html
ErCiccione> The Hyperlink "Arbeitsgruppen" in the footer is linked wrong (404)
ErCiccioneplease open an issue on the repository: github.com/monero-project/monero-site
xmr-prnice42q opened issue #1939: German - index.html href error 404
ErCiccioneAbout monero-project/monero-site #1939. The i18n links are not redirected. binaryFate we need a redirect for getmonero.org/$LANG/community/team -> ww.getmonero.org/$LANG/community/workgroups. Right now it's working only for the English version.