Guest14Hi is there a yaml file for monero rpc methods that made up this document getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html
ErCiccioneGuest14: Is this what you are looking for? It's markdown fine though: github.com/monero-project/monero-si…eloper-guides/wallet-rpc.md?plain=1
plowsof[m]if an issue is opened up, stating exactly what format? the yaml is needed (is it important?) i could do it np
plowsof[m]i've made an easy-guide script , which converts an md file on github into a 'user guide' for getmonero.. handles the alphabetic ordering of the index page.. adds title to the yaml file (fails if existing) - downloads any images in your guide and puts them in the correct monero-site folder , adds the correct links etc github.com/plowsof/userguide-drafts…ee/main/helper-scripts/make-a-guide