plowsofhere is the check to verify filenames monero-project/monero-site #2050
ErCiccioneHey throwawayaccount12 good find and thanks for reporting it
ErCiccionea lot of the docs on getmonero are outdated sadly
ErCiccionebut this is something that should be resolved quickly since it links to a potentially malicious site
throwawayaccountErCiccione: Any time, I may go through and try to find any others when I find the time.
ErCiccionethat would be very appreciated 🙂 Please report here or open an issue when you find somthing wrong/not working
ErCiccionei'll take care of this quick one
throwawayaccountCan do!
plowsofthis is reg kovri DOT io hosting trash
plowsofthanks throwawayaccount12 ErCiccione
ErCiccionefixed here throwawayaccount12: monero-project/monero-site #2051
throwawayaccountSo far, the only other issue I've found is that Cryptonote.org redirects to a random French site (occasionally with an SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN error), so any links to think bring up a site for French cuisine or just say that your IP is blocked.
throwawayaccountThe links effected are;... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…1db7860b8f7bc1fabbc995da3010df632f2>)
throwawayaccountFound one more with the weird french stuff going on;... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…05e6ae6411392ea47b8ff85639aa56b7d2b>)
throwawayaccountJust realized the last french one I posted was a different domain and I don't remember the page that referenced it on GetMonero, whoops
throwawayaccountWell, have a nice day, gentlemen. I'm off
selenze[m]throwawayaccount12: good to be here, am thinking to help on these issues too.ps