plowsof11ErCiccione (temporary) site is getting deployed in the next 2~ weeks i think. #2112 adds 2023 to the roadmap, and #2107 is small to review / get added to the merge queue when you have time
ErCiccionetempordepending by when luigi wants to merge we could also deply the website. I think the changes to the dev docs are not up yet
plowsof11forgot to mention sorry, the dev docs where merged the other day, i was seeking low hanging fruit to be put in. ill remove 2100 from my update tools page, and think about the roadmap ( might be better to put it as a draft , to save someone the time of adding the tabs next month when e.g. a new client is released )
plowsof11or 2022 as the default tab* its just a problem of listing haveno/eth swaps without a specific month to shoot for (on short notice)
ErCiccionetemporwe can just push 2023 later on. We still have a good month anyway
ErCiccionetemporluigi1111 please merge when you can
plowsof11ill fix the merge conflicts and make an "Update tools page" pr later with the approved version of 2100