plowsofbinaryFate any chance this blog post can be merged / site deployed? monero-project/monero-site #2289
binaryFateyes, is this final now?
plowsofmaybe a minor edit for adding site.baseurl instead of hardcoded getmonero links but can be edited in another PR not vital , waiting on kayabanerve
binaryFateok then I can do later today
m-relay<kayabanerve:monero.social> I merged the baseurl tweak
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Hello, I am writting the CCS proposal for the website rewrite.
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Should this website include the technical documentation (RPC API, etc) ?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Is it ok for the website to not require Javascript to function, but be progressively enhanced with Javascript for users who have it enabled?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Or do we want to avoid that, at the expense of usability?
plowsofah sorry just seeing this now, yes its final
plowsofsquash would be awesome :D
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> I didn't follow anything, what is final? What is Squash?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Or you are anwering Kayaba, not me
m-relay<kayabanerve:monero.social> If me, bF should be able to squash merge on their end with the GH UI?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> I have this error when trying to fork the CCS Proposal repo "Limit reached You cannot create projects in your personal namespace. Contact your GitLab administrator."
plowsofchch3003 make an account on the ccs repo itself not using a third party account e.g. github
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Ok
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Using simplelogin.com as email doesnt seem to work
plowsofWhat is the username?
plowsofyes proton dot me is ok, others can be manually confirmed
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> I created a new account named janaka303
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> using proton.me yes
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Alright, I made my proposal! repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450
binaryFatewebsite updated
plowsofthanks binaryfate kayabanerve