m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> I see no commits sir forejo racist
plowsofso we're deprecating the wallet-rpc / monerod docs now that docs.getmonero.org/rpc-library/monerod-rpc has obtained parity, then surpassed them
plowsofrather than a link hijack to docs, a 'this has been archived' type note at the top with the link seems ideal
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> Don't worry I'll commit some today, I need to remove all my proof that the CIA is behind the assassination of JFK from the repo folder.
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Why? Just uploads the noods
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Add to .gitignore
m-relay<rottenwheel:kernal.eu> vostoemisio might be able to confirm with his superiors!
m-relay<vostoemisio:matrix.org> I'll ask during coffee break
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…ero.social/JVLMHumDdpjMqwIowhKOYDey
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> its a something we should consider for the website
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Moneroutreach when?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> 🦖 short arms