WalletGhulie: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command.
WalletGhulie: DURR.. 1 USD = 1 USD genious! [sic]
lagoon93after some help i found how to hash key for creating view_tag from console browser(javascript)
lagoon93766965775f746167 is hex of view_tag
lagoon93the output "31" unfortunately is again not the right view_tag
lagoon93can anyone check with other code or in another way if this is the right view_tag and smth else is wrong
moneromooolagoon93: paste.debian.net/hidden/13b43bc2
gingeropolouswell im using my monero again
gingeropolousand reminded that i frickin hate wallet sync when i know i don't have any new outputs
gingeropoloussudo apt install fastforward-button
gingeropoloushrmm... presumably i could hack the block restore height thing into a fast forward button.... presumably.....
gingeropolousyah know when i open up my wallet and take out a 10$ bill, i never expect that bill to need the permission of other parties for me to spend it
gingeropolouscall me old fashioned.
gingeropolousbut this isn't new. im just distracting myself
moneromoooYou *do* need the permission of the person you're giving it to ^_^
moneromoooLike, if the person tells you "it's a fake, mate", whatya gonna do ?
moneromoooOK, I'm splitting hairs I guess...
moneromoooFunne thing is, it happened to me, with a note I got from a shop, then I tried to spend it in that shop, in their automated note scanner. Rejected. Well, funny, that...
revuoxmrRevuo Monero. Issue 126: June 23 - 30, 2022. revuo-xmr.com/issue-126.html
tinybronca[m]Hi anyone know where to buy reliable phone numbers for sending/recieving SMSes with XMR and if you need an app for this or can do it on a website?
tinybronca[m](no SIM card)