plowsof[m]Cherry on top mobile.twitter.com/WatchFund/status/1469901057660698632
atomfried[m]what is the best video i can sent to a friend who is in bitcoin to show him/her how awesome monero is?... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…a01302b0c83f9b7243cc76cfdea97345f66)
msvb-labatomfried[m]: In case you have not seen it, there is quite a good video embedded directly in our website.
msvb-labUnder the video 'What is Monero' you see the link to 'Looking for more explanatory videos?' english (or other translated link.)
msvb-labI don't personally have a favourite, but there are some good resources.
netrik182atomfried: monero means money from dr kim
Torrnetrik182: Who's that?
Torrnetrik182: I've heard this motto before but wasn't aware of its origin.
TorrGreat presentation.
TorrDo u know the composer of the viollin played at the end?
TorrSounds similar to Vivaldi.
TorrBut slower.