nikg83[m]Someone needs to contact them and remove that contracts detail
nexken[m]I have a full wallet created with a Trezor's HW. I have been searching and trying and it seems is not possible to export key images to create a watch-only wallet that shows the correct balance (including spent outputs).
nexken[m]Is this correct for Monero's HW wallets?
msvb-webFor both the current wallets (I assume you mean Kastelo and RMX) you cannot export key images. Kastelo locks keys in a secure element so secrets can never be read (or exported.) RMX does not implement export.
msvb-webI would keep trying nexken[m] with your existing wallet, since the Trezors do not offer anything like a secure element, so it's at least possible to cause a key leak. To research this look for RDP fuses, and the Cryptotronix intrusion demonstrated at 35C3 by Josh Datko.
plowsof[m]if you had a ledger you could follow this guide shawnhogan.com/2021/07/how-to-get-m…o-private-view-key-from-ledger.html
plowsof[m]@msvb-web so Kastelo never exports a monero view-key, and is more secure than a ledger? 👀
plowsof[m]if you dont export the key on a ledger - the sync time is 'infinity' right? because the hardware inside the ledger just isn't powerful enough?
msvb-webThere may be a hack to make this work plowsof[m], because the Ledger models at least theoretically can lock secrets in hardware (because they use a secure element.) If they are able to export keys, then it means they are not locked inside the secure element. Who knows maybe those can only generate sekp256k1 in hardware or something.
msvb-webThis is definitely not guaranteed advice here, as we're spending twenty eight seconds to answer questions.
msvb-webAnd the topic should be moved to #moner-hardware anyway.
msvb-webOh well, that was my half attempt to help. Have a good new year's evening everyone.
carrington[m]Would people be in favour of a meeting in this room on Sunday 2nd January 16:00 UTC ? To discuss CCS proposals/updates and any other relevant topics. I'll make an agenda and a reddit post if so.
dEBRUYNEGo for it carrington[m]