TorrHappy new year!!!
bridgerton[m]<ian.niculescu> Happy new year
Halver[m]Happy new year
carrington[m]Please let me know if there are other topics people would like to see on the agenda
ShadodwHi, i'm new here but i really am intressted in the atomic swap in the GUI...could that be something?
dEBRUYNEShadodw: Someone is building a GUI for Atomic Swaps afaik
ShadodwdEBRUYNE: ok thats cool, will that be built into the core wallet or another wallet? i can beta test when its at that point :D
dEBRUYNEDifferent as far as I can see
ShadodwdEBRUYNE thank you, will check
libre[m]This makes more sense with Monero IMO. Tail supply is a perfect fit for that use case. A supply shrinking to zero makes no sense for that energy use case in the long term