Bonnie-ClareSimsHi guys, is there a receive fee with monero?
Bonnie-ClareSimsif so can anyone please tell me what it is? :D
jonah_xd[m]Ur telling me that theres a coin where you pay for receiving coins ?
jonah_xd[m]Tfw i can make someome and myself broke by spaming transactions
string111[m]<Bonnie-ClareSims> "Hi guys, is there a receive..." <- Wird?!
string111[m]Wow. Receive fees make like absolutely no sense.
string111[m]* Weird?!
netrik182Bonnie-Clare Simson: there's only the mining fee, paid by the sending part
artur11[m]My money has gone from unstoppableswap.net.
artur11[m]Why admins deleted my messages?
midipoetrehrar: what was the online meeting platform that we did some monero events on early in the pandemic. they were a graphical second life sort of thing?
msvb-webmidipoet: rehrar tried several systems I think, but the one he found that I liked is called Mozilla Hubs.
msvb-webI don't think his search was successful, after each system had small or large problems.
midipoetThat's the one
midipoetShould have remembered that